
Moving to Hawaii – The 3 month checkmark

The three month checkmark! They say a person needs 3 months to acclimate, and 6 months to thrive. So let’s talk about those first 3 months and our experience with the island life so far. What goals have we set for ourselves, how do we feel being the outsiders, and am I feeling homesick at all?


Time for a change: We moved to Hawaii!

The day after Thanksgiving we flew to Hawaii on a one-way ticket. This blog is about everything leading up to the move; the paperwork, search for apartments, and logistics of the move. How did I manage to pack my life in a couple of suitcases -again- to try and start a new life in Hawaii? Well, I won’t spoil too much, but it was significantly easier with my husband by my side this time around.


Immigration During Covid-19

In this blog I’ll share my immigration timeline and write about the most challenging parts of immigrating to the USA. The pandemic has definitely affected the immigration process, and I’m hoping this blog can be valuable to everyone who is going through the same process right now.


6 Advantages of Learning a Language Abroad

Myth of truth: Do you learn a language faster when you live abroad? There are advantages to learning a language abroad. In this blog I’ll tell you from my own experience what I think those advantages are.


Things I Learned When I Moved To The USA

In this blog I will write about some things I learned when I moved here. From my experience with the immigration system, to the American hospitality, and from the amazingly convenient drive-thru’s to the legalization of guns. Here’s 7 things I find fascinating about the USA!


Election Tension

In this political blog I talk about the upcoming Elections: How life has been revolving around that one day, and the anxiety and tension people are feeling as the day gets closer.


What The Heck Is Going On In Portland?

The truth about living in Portland; the unrest, chaos and fear that Portlanders had to deal with the last couple of months. So, what the heck is going on in Portland?


How I Spent My Summer 2020 In Oregon, USA

Summer 2020 is definitely different from previous years because of the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t enjoy nature, hiking, ice cream, studying etc. In this fun blog with photo gallery I will take you through some activities I enjoyed this summer here in Oregon, USA.